Thursday, April 8, 2010

Special Deliveries!

It's been a pretty fun week for my mailbox. The joy has outnumbered the bills this week!

First to come was yarn. I KNOW! Yarn in the mailbox is always fun! When we were out for my birthday last week I had asked a friend of mine what he was planning to get his wife whose birthday was a few days away (she was obviously unable to make it to supper). He told us how watching the opening ceremonies of the Olympics she had fallen in love with the US team hats. It was a tale of woe. Seems he went online looking for this and it had been $75 (too much for me already), but they had sold out pretty much instantaneously and then they were $300-$400 on eBay (which they must have sold out there as well, because I couldn't find them in a search). Now, I am a bit of a pushover when it comes to a husband wanting to make his wife happy, so I told him "Hmm, too bad you don't know a knitter". I promised to go looking to see if I could find a pattern for this hat. I am a bad American. For multiple reasons, one of them being I do not watch the Olympics. Not a second of it. Luckily, Ravelry to the rescue. I did a search and I found it!  I was pretty psyched. Granted, her birthday is past, but we are aiming for Christmas. I also have little fear she reads this blog!

So I present to you me at what will most likely be my height of patriotism....

The yarn!
There is even a little American flag decal coming in the mail!

Believe it or not, yarn wasn't the best thing to be placed in my mailbox this week! I have been pretty low and stressed. (My own little version of bi-polar.) We have a community event tonight we don't know if anyone is going to show up for, there are some changes happening in what has been a stable area of my life I am not in support of, and figuring out if we can fix a messed up marriage is HARD. I mean REALLY HARD.

Then this morning I get a text from my husband reading "You've got mail". I was a little worried about what would be in the mailbox. Was it a "Dear, April" letter? But no. I went down (wet hair and bathrobe, very classy) and found these.

The message with them was
"Saw them and thought of you"

This week the mailbox is my friend.

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