Saturday, July 24, 2010

Through the Storm Quilt

I’ve mentioned before how quilts tell a story about me [link] in a way few of my other projects do. The one I’m telling you about today is no different. I wish I could tell you a good story about how this was started in celebration or anticipation of some great new journey in life. But it wasn’t. A couple of years ago my marriage got to the point that I knew I was going to have to leave. I started looking at apartments and was very open with my husband I was doing this. I also started a quilt to show both myself and him how serious I was. This quilt. I would make sure to work on it when he was home, telling him ho w it was for my move. Things were very awful at this time. My secret was that I didn’t really want to go. Deep inside I kept hoping things would change. I purposely made this quilt in colors to match our spare bedroom, hoping something would change. But it didn’t.

Pieces of this quilt got rammed into a chest of UFO’s I have in my sewing room and in all honesty I didn’t imagine I would ever have the heart to finish this quilt. A month or so ago I was digging around and I found these pieces. Curious, I brought the pieces downstairs and laid them out on the floor.

Then I found myself starting to sew. As I worked with the pieces and cut the fabric to finish the quilt I began to look at the quilt and while I had previously identified with the grays and gloomy parts of the quilt, I began to be drawn to the bits of yellow peeking through. Looking at the quilt I began to see it as little bits of sun poking through storm clouds. And I committed to finishing the quilt. The top was done by the end of the weekend.

Basting started shortly after.

Within the week I had the quilt done. Then last weekend I was able to get some pictures of it out at the campground. I’m not sure what is going to happen with the quilt. I’m not sure what’s going to happen with me. But this quilt shows a bit of my journey.

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