Monday, April 26, 2010

Happy Thoughts

First off, I have to declare my love to a special Rav friend that sent me the sweetest package! She was already being a sweetie sending me some marriage sermons that had been a great comfort to her and said that since she gathered I was having a rough time last week she "padded" the box.

With this.

340 lovely yards of handspun fingering weight. Blue Faced Leceister. It is mine. Don't even think about it. But for the yarnies out there here is a closeup. You can pretend you are squeezing it. I promise it's luscious.

And she was also sweet enough to include some cute little stitch markers and a toy for my kitty (which was stolen by the kitty and unavailable to photograph.)

This is one of the many things I love about knitters. They care. I mean seriously. We spend hours of patient work on projects. Cross us and we have pointy sticks that we're not afraid to use. Don't screw with us. But if we like you, we mean it for reals. Through some of my darkest valleys knitters are the ones who have came in after me and drug me out by my ear. They have held me up and shoved some wine in one hand and some yarn in the other. Thank you, Patty. You have no idea how much this care package meant to me!

In other weekend events, Mom came to visit this weekend. We did a little shopping (I survived a trip to the LYS AND to JoAnn's and only spent $7.50. The joys of being a broke ass crafter!) We then declared Saturday to be a day of no showering, pjs, coffee, and beading. In the last few years my mom has requested to have lessons in the crafts that I obsessively surround myself with and she's gotten pretty good. Now we always have a nice way to spend her visits. I got bored pretty quickly and resorted to cutting fabric for my quilt, however, before my gnat-like attention span put an end to my beading, I did finish a couple of necklaces.

Unfortunately, there was a baking fail. In my attempt at breadsticks I had a massive fail at multi-tasking. With the marinara sauce on the stove, my friend asking me questions, and me trying to measure the flour I seem to have added an extra cup of flour. They were truly awful. My mom threw them away when I wasn't looking. For this I was grateful. It would have been reminiscent of the scene where they have to shoot Old Yeller.

The weekend ended badly, but for today I leave you with happy thoughts. We'll stick with yarn presents and pretty necklaces.

Happy Monday!

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