Friday, July 30, 2010


When I sat down last night after supper to start working on a new baby quilt for some friends expecting this fall, I fully expected to be showing you a chaotic shot of scraps today as a sign of my progress. Maybe even some cut piles. But as I sat and started sewing I suddenly realized.






Yes, I do realize "all the blocks" are 12 nine patches for a baby sized quilt. But I am still feeling pretty proud of myself in the baby quilt progress area.  And this is my first "scrap" quilt. I usually have this anal retentiveness in matching everything perfectly. But inspired by some flickr pics I decided to take a baby step out in my quilting and pull from the scrap boxes I keep, but only open to throw more in.  

I couldn't have done it without the dedicated help of my faithful companion.

So today, feeling pretty proud of myself, I went in search of some backing with the intention to maybe even get those blocks sashed together this weekend, finish the top, and get it basted. I couldn't find any backing fabric to meet my specifications. Does that mean I left the fabric store empty handed? You should know me better than that.

I found these.

And then as I was walking from the cutting table to the register. I couldn't resist these.

It's a sickness. Have I ever mentioned I literally burst the doors off my fabric closet?. True story. I'll have to tell you sometime.

I decided to pick it up a notch and actually invest in a free motion quilting foot. Turns out that letting your husband convince you to buy a fancy pants Husqvarna Viking Platinum 750 (I promise I had good reasons for leaving him) means that when you want to augment the capabilities of said machine it also costs an arm and a leg. Ugh. It has never ceased to aggravate me that with the money I dropped on this machine specified as quilting I still have to buy the damn free motion QUILTING foot separately.

1 comment:

  1. I have no idea what that machine is, but it does suck mightly that you have to buy the quilting foot separately.

    I've been wanting to make my own quilt, but I'm too chicken to try :-)

    (UnseelieSuccubus on Rav)
