Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Gooey Crispiness

So, this week's Bake-along bake! (I know, something is wrong with that sentence.)

I wanted to live a little more on the wild side than regular 'ole Rice Krispie Treats, so I decided to give Smitten Kitchen's Salted Brown Butter Crispy Treats a try.

First off. Brown the butter. I sat there going "Is it brown yet?" "How about now?" "Is that brown?" "Does the butter smell nutty?" "What the hell does 'nutty' butter smell like anyway???"

I think based off the brownish hue of my marshmellows after I added them I got there. I think.

These are most definitely the gooiest treats I have ever made.

But holy rice crispy amazingness, Batman. The sea salt rocks these treats. And luckily, it's hard to eat more than one in a sitting with the gooey of it all. I usually have a severe disappearing issue on my hands when Rice Crispy treats are around.

Now, the end of the recipe says let cool and prepare to meet new friends. Hmm, you want to be my friend? I have crispy treats! (And yarn.) All in all. One out of one Aprils recommend this recipe!


  1. Ohhhh those look so good! I have some plain, old regular rice crispy treats leftover from my birthday, but your treats look fabulous! Can I be your friend? I like yarn too!

  2. Of course we can be friends! But the crispies are only shared in the Quad Cities area. Otherwise I shall have to stick to sharing yummy vibes with you. :)

  3. I tried to brown butter a few days ago for a recipe and got a little confused at the end. Butter was brown, smelled nutty (I think...) but there was a bunch of brown...crud at the bottom of the pan. Mix in with butter? Or strain out? I strained, but then wondered whether I had lost flavor by doing so. Any browned butter crudddy stuff opinions on the matter?

  4. Mine had some crud at the bottom, but just a little. I was a bit nervous about it, but left it. It was fine and I think (and I only think, which does not mean I know! :)) that this was what was supposed to happen. But I may very well be wrong!
