Wednesday, December 22, 2010

An Owl on Memory Lane

I considered not posting this owl since I posted the one I made earlier this year for one of my favorite little guys. And in honesty, I think that first one turned out looking a little better. But this one has it’s own story, so it has it’s own post. Many handmade objects are fortunate enough to have a story that goes with them over time. (Well, many of mine seem to have a story about the ways they drove me crazy in the process!) This little guy was made for my grandpa for this Christmas to honor one of our stories.

As I’ve mentioned, I grew up sending my summers with my family in campgrounds. I’m not sure of my exact age in this story, but I assume 11 or 12 because by age 13 I was spending more time flirting with the boys in the campground than hanging out with my family. But this particular summer night I was bored and begging someone to take me on the “owl walk” the nature center was doing that night. My grandpa agreed. So off we went. I can remember driving up and down the hills to the other side of the campground in my grandpa’s truck, the windows down and the warm air blowing in. When we got to the trail where everyone was meeting it was a bunch of moms and their kids. My grandpa distinctly remembers being one of the few adult males over four feet tall when he tells this story. Together grandpa and I walked. Listening for owls and making memories that can never be replaced. And now, almost twenty years later (wow) he still tells my grandma about that walk every time he hears an owl. Sometimes he’ll even call me and tell me he heard an owl outside of his window last night.

Project: Bramble Owl Softie by Knitwits  [Rav Link]
Yarn: Patons Classic Wool
Needle Size: US8
Ravelry Project Page

And this time I used buttons for eyes instead of the knit eyes. I fully trust Grandpa to not chew them off and choke on them. If you look close you can see the owl seeing me taking a picture of him.

Also,  I’m pretty sure I’m now the crazy lady in the townhouse complex. Which is a hard fought for title around here. Hang out your back door and take pictures of a stuffed owl in the snow on your back step. I promise it will gain you some crazy ground.

Sorry for the side view.I can't get it to turn and these
days I just choose my battles.

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