Saturday, January 8, 2011

Saturday Morning

I love Saturdays mornings. And I'm fairly notorious being a bit greedy about this time. There are lots of times during the week I feel lonely and want company, but this is rarely a Saturday morning. My singleness makes me happy in times like these when I don't have to pay attention to anyone else. My universe revolves around my recliner, my cup of coffee, and the freedom to be selfish and do what I want. This morning started off with a hat. It's cold here in Iowa this weekend. But as I knit I started to think about a quilt I'd like to maybe make. So out came the quilt sketch book and my crayons.

Now the big decisions of my day include:

1) Continue knitting my hat?
2) If I finish it make another hat? Or maybe cast on some Urban Necessity glove/mittens in a scrappy style I've been thinking about?
3) Move to the sewing room and start a new quilt? Wait to go to the fabric store and get some different reds for it or behave and pull from my stash?
4) To go to the store and get supplies for a lasagna tonight or stay in my flannel and just eat frozen pizza?
5) To nap or not to nap.

It's a tough agenda. This I know. But it's the upside of singleness that balances out those times there is no shoulder to cry on or someone waiting at home to celebrate my successes with.

May your weekend hold whatever brings you joy!
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