Tuesday, May 4, 2010

This Little Girly Went to the Market

I promised a pie post, so here it is. Delivered. So this weekend I made my first trip to the farmer's market. I know. I live in the Midwest and I have NEVER been to a farmer's market. Don't worry, I'm ashamed. A good friend of mine opened a little area down there with her little New York Italian grandma baked goods, so I went and had me a visit. And I was kind of hoping to find some rhubarb since the word on the street is that it's out and ready to make deliciousness. Now, I am not typically a huge rhubarb fan, but I've been seeing some recipes I want to try.

So I found some. And I did. And it was fantastic.

"What did I make?"you ask?

Awhile back on Ravelry I was whining for about a month in the Knit 'N Bake group about really wanting to get The Grand Central Baking Book. I would actually go and "visit" it on Amazon every other day or so. Then I finally broke down and bought it. I anxiously checked the mailbox every day. When it came I read it cover to cover like a novel. I learned so much from that book! Then it sat for awhile and I didnt' even make anything from it. Sad, I know.

Until this weekend.

So, I got the rhubarb at the market and strawberries were on sale at the store. It was fate.

I recommend the pie crust recipe in The Grand Central Baking Book. I probaly won't have it as a this or nothing type of recipe because there is some pre-planning involved, which I don't excel at. But since I made this over the weekend it worked. And now I am actually eating this pie for breakfast as I type this post, two days after I made it, and the crust has really held up well.

 I had intended to tease you with the recipe for the filling, but I forgot the cookbook at home. Maybe I'll come back and add it later...

This was actually my first attempt at a double crust. I had meant to do a lattice top, but I had to come in to work (on Sunday) and was kept later than I expected, so I went with some little designs cut in.

So, this pie means it's time for warm weather! (Yep, I was just looking for an excuse.)

Pie Making Soundtrack: Love on The Inside, Sugarland

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