Wednesday, May 19, 2010

An Old Friend and a Nantucket Check-in

Before I became a serious crafter about three and a half years ago, I was an avid reader. I was that kid who would be out for supper with my family and I would have the latest copy of some R.L. Stine book, or in my younger years the new adventure of the The Boxcar Children. When I was in second grade or so my parents "punished" me by taking away my library privileges. I was the only kid in my small town with a post-it note on my library card saying that I had to have a permission slip from my parents to check out books. When I entered third grade we moved out to the country. I wasn't old enough to ride my bike in town, so I would borrow my mom's collection. The only smut novel I have is this one that was my mom's. "Wicked Wyoming Nights" by Leigh Greenwood. I loved reading about Eliza the frontier school teacher and her rugged cattleman, Cord Stedman. I didn't really understand what a throbbing member or white quivering thighs meant, but it was what I had access to. (My mom will be so mortifed if she ever reads this post!) I took the book with me when I left for college and I still have it because it makes me smile!

Anyway, I made a stop at the library on my way home from work today. I am getting ready to make the hour and a half trek to my parent's in the morning. I have had a rough week and to break myself out of the staring at the wall for hours funk I am in I made the decision to surprise my parents by coming home a day early after I talked to both Mom and Dad this week and they both made a point of saying how much they are looking forward to me coming home. After continuously feeling like everywhere I turn I am doing something wrong, it is nice to know I can go hide on their couch a couple of days. And when you stare at the wall there at least Mom offers you wine.

Back to my point. I picked up a book today because it seemed like it would be nice to escape to someone else's story for a bit. I usually have a research book or best practices report I am picking through in my purse, but my true love is novels. I am one of those people that when I read a novel. the rest of the world disappears. I love getting lost in the story. My favorite is to sit in the chair for hours and getting totally immersed in the lives of the characters. I always seem to forget how happy and calm this makes me and every time I fall back into a novel I always wonder how it is I forget. Some of my favorite memories from my marriage are the Saturdays my husband and I would sit and read. He would be in the chair smoking his pipe and reading something like Charles Dickens' "Pickwick Papers" and I would have a good novel or a religion book and we would stop from time to time to share with the other something interesting or amusing we had read. I realize it's not exactly the stuff movies are made of, but I was happy.

Reading makes me happy.  (Have I mentioned that?) And I took this Friday off. Can you guess what I plan to do? True, I probaly made a bad call in picking out a love story. But "Time Traveler's Wife", we gots a date. And it already got a laugh out of me with the line "I now have an erection that is probaly tall enough to ride some of the scarier rides at Great America without a parent." Yep, I'm that kind of girl. Blame Wicked Wyoming Nights.

AND, I plan to do some knitting. I've even made some progress on my Nantucket Yellow sweater. It's sad when I cast on for a sweater for a project I can see some progress with. I really need to take a break from fingering weight yarn.

Making it up the back row by row.

Close up of the lace panel.
Why what is that hangy thing you ask? A fancy stitch marker? ACTUALLY, it's a row counter. I didn't want to have to deal with keeping track of the rows in my lace panel, so I put this together. The rings with the beads are right-side rows. I remember that row one I do a knit 2 together and that in row three I do a yarn over after the stitch marker by the fact they are alphabetical. :) Yep, I'm a nerd.

Row counter.

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