Friday, November 12, 2010

Etsy Shop Revival

Did you know I have an Etsy shop? I know, I kind of suck at shameless promotion. This blog really wasn't meant to be a promotion piece. Just a rambling piece. However, despite my best efforts to sabotage my etsy shop, Angel Dancer Delights, I seem to still be selling. Even though I haven't added new merchandise in over a year. So, the other night I decided to get my act together and put some new items together to revive my little corner of Etsy.

What is it I make you ask?

Row counters. And these seven are a sneak peak of the newbies I'll be introducing to the shop over the next few weeks.

What are these row counters you ask? Row counters help you keep your place in patterns. They are basically a little pretty wrist abacus. One row represents 1-9, the other your multiples of ten. So, for instance, if your inner row of beads has seven beads slipped through the little stretchy ring and the inner has three, you are on row 73. 

I started on Etsy back in 2007 and it's been interesting. Back in the day there were only three or four of us selling row counters. I about had a heart attack when my very first order, ten minutes after my first listing, was for twenty-five counters for an online knitting store based out of Australia. I've gotten to make special order gift sets for  repeat customers, one honoring her mother for reaching master knitter status. Just last week the same day I posted my Tucker Teddy the designer bought a counter, unknowing I had just finished one of her projects! I've sold some other  types of things over the years, but these days I stick to knitting accessories. I love the idea that I get to be a part of someone's knitting process. 

Oh, you got that blog special up there. :) Next week I'll be starting a holiday special that will go until December 18th. For every row counter purchase every order will receive two complimenting stitch markers. However, as a special to you lovely readers, put the code SimpleEclectic in your comment to seller box when checking out and I will include two ADDITIONAL stitch markers for you! And I'll even give you a head start. You don't have to wait until next week. See a counter you like and I haven't listed it? Let me know and I'll put it up early as a special order just for you.

Happy weekend!   

1 comment:

  1. I bought something! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
    now to wrap my tiny little brain around how it works.
    yes, I'm hopeless.
