Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Blocking Abracadabra

So, I was reminded of the magic of blocking this weekend. I have this Lacy Baktus scarf that I made last February. It didn't live up to my expectations.

It was too small and didn't look like the others I had seen online. And I ran out of yarn in some mystical trick I still haven't figured out. Does anyone know if it takes more yarn to decrease? Anyway, I digress.

I was scowling at this scarf hanging in my closet the other day when it hit me. I didn't block it.

Now don't get me wrong. I kind of came to blocking in a resistent sort of way. I still haven't fully embraced the whole swatching theory. But I did admit blocking is a valuable practice. Especially with lace. Especially with a project like this. No idea why I neglected this.

So, water and hotel shampoo and some pinning and a day of drying later.

Abracadabra magic. Lesson learned. Silly April

Ravelry Project Page


  1. im laughin all the way to the bank abt this one bwah ahahah.

  2. Oh you hush, Ms. Erin Michelle. I had a feeling you'd have something to say about this!
