Friday, June 11, 2010

Put Your Hands in the Air. Now Wave 'Em Like You Just Don't Care.

Guess who just got back from a work trip? (Imagine a hand in the air in Iowa.)

Guess who is tired? (Same hand goes up.)

Guess who made a stop on the way home to get some pretty yarn, took pretty pics of it that would make you covet said yarn, and then realized they forgot the camera cord in the desk at work so this will have to be a pic-less post? (Yep, you guessed it. That hand in Iowa just went up again.)

Guess who has to travel to the homeland tomorrow to endure a class reunion with people they didn't particuarly like and will be hiding on the couch tonight with some of the aformentioned yarn, beer, and chick flicks while they anticipate being made to feel inadequate by people who have no grounds to make her feel inadequate? (Are we sensing a trend of that hand getting tired in the air in Iowa? Should Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion totally be on tonight's movie list? Would saying I invented post-its sound better than saying I'm a community systems builder who may not have a contract from the state in a few weeks?)


Guess who's keyboard got replaced and she now has bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb's and nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn's again?!!???!?! (ME!!!!!!!!!!!!)

And guess who should post more, but instead is going to go make an enchilada, dig out her copy of  the Social Climber Cowl pattern, pop the top off the beer, and get her knit on starting now?

Happy weekend!

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