Monday, February 14, 2011

A Red Velvet Valentine

I'll jump on the bandwagon-Happy Valentine's Day!

I feel it's within my full rights to be an obnoxious pro-Valentiner this year. The last three years of Valentine's have kind of sucked. Well, last year was kind of fun making supper with my friends, drinking too much wine, and watching "The Hangover" and "Forgetting Sarah Marshall". And smoking far too many cigarettes. But I haven't done the cigarettes part since September. Really.

And what says Valentine's better than Red Velvet Cupcakes*? (Well, besides chocolate, diamonds, and flowers.)

Because if a recipe calls for 2 ounces of red food coloring, it must convey something, right? If nothing else, it matched the box. It's all about coordination, people.  (The red food coloring need may have led me to explore the world of paste coloring and may have led me to send a text to my friend along the lines of "They're all f*ing pots" after I had a meltdown in Michael's trying to figure out the difference between food color paste and food color gel, and she told me to get the pot.)

And with these ADORABLE Wilton boxes, they are oh so giftable. And what boy doesn't love cupcakes**?

*I used the recipe from for Red Velvet Cupcakes. Unfortunately, I have no idea how these taste. A) All of the cupcakes were spoken for. That's all I'll say on that. B) One cupcake has the amount of fat I'm allowed for a WHOLE meal.

**Any boy(s) who do(es) not love cupcakes should probably NOT be in a position to be receiving Valentine's boxes from me anyway.

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